Super-Dimensional Love Gun

Super-Dimensional Love Gun

Fashionable-paranoia is a mix of splatter violence, humor and titillation, and manga artist, Shintaro Kago has helped define the genre over the last twenty years. Collecting fifteen different short stories from his illustrious career, Super-Dimensional Love Gun compiles stories full of neurotic dark humor and unease. What the Press says about Kago:"Showing influences from Dali to Otomo, the combination of Kago's precise, expressive and kinetic line work with his wacky storytelling is at turns engrossing and repulsive. Mature fans of unconventional manga will appreciate the surreal spiral of body humor, tragicomedy and dark humor." - Publishers Weekly "Imagine if horror manga master Junji Ito took psychedelics and then attempted to write erotica. That's basically everything Shintaro Kago does, and it's glorious." - Powells

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About the Author

Born in 1969, Shintaro Kago made his comics debut in 1988. Best known for his work within the eroguro (erotic grotesque) genre, he has penned dozens of books for a range of mostly indie comic book publishers. The shorts found in Super-Dimensional Love Gun, like his previous release Dementia 21 (Fantagraphics), are examples of the "fashionable-paranoia" genre he founded. The genre mixes visually driven story-telling with shockingly violent themes to create equally dark and humorous narratives.

LetteringMary Pass
TranslationAndrew Castle
Release Date2019-06-25