Baby Bear's Bakery, Part 1

Baby Bear's Bakery, Part 1

Welcome to Baby Bear's Bakery, a brand new patisserie run by a bear cub! While Bear may be a fine baker, he is not much of a business animal, so he has plenty to learn about running a small business. Finances, customer service and even researching new products are all new to this cub. But he is more than willing to dig his paws into the world of entrepreneurship.

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About the Author

KamenTotsu is a unique talent within the world of manga. The author made his debut more as a columnist and media critic, drawing his columns within a comic format. With time he moved on to drawing essay comics and eventually moved to the world of children's manga. KamenTotsu is also unique as he was raised in the United States. He grew up in Michigan and would eventually return to Japan to attend the Nagoya University of the Arts.

LetteringMo Harrison
TranslationJan Mitsuko Cash
Release Date2022-06-07