Inside Mari, Volume 6
As "Mari" grows closer to Yori and Isao, it becomes apparent that the three may not be together for too much longer. The plan always was to join forces to find the real Mari; not collaborate to rescue Isao Komori from his pathetic life.
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About the Author
Shuzo Oshimi is the best-selling author behind works such as FLOWERS OF EVIL and HAPPINESS. His works mix in the struggles of youth along with modern fantasy themes. Oshimi is the winner of the 2002 Chiba Tetsuya Award for New Best New Manga Artist. Since then he has penned a dozen series including the New York Times Best-Selling Flowers of Evil and the cult hit INSIDE MARI.
LetteringManuel Chavez
TranslationSheldon Drzka
Release Date2020-03-10